E-Learning Portal of Czech Universities - pilot version 1.0
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/The students and the teacher in an e-learning environment /
The students The teacher

The students and the teacher in an e-learning environment

The students. E-learning programs especially benefit students who are home-bound, live long distances from the on-site campus, and/or have busy lives often juggling family, professional, and other responsibilities. E-learning courses can also benefit traditional students, especially those who want or need to engage in accelerated learning. The minimum requirement for students to participate in an e-learning course is access to a computer, the Internet, and motivation to succeed in a non-traditional classroom.

The teacher - the facilitator. A trained teacher acts as an e-learning course facilitator. He or she is often also the designer and monitor of the course. A successful facilitator must know how to integrate life experience, communication, professionalism, and content into the learning environment.

  Online Teaching and Learning Overview
Illinois Online Network seeks to promote the effective use of networked information technologies, to enhance traditional classroom instruction, and to build the foundation for developing, delivering, and supporting online education. Online Teaching and Learning Overview includes all general online education links.
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