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/Instructional Development /
Design Development Evaluation

Instructional Development

Instructional design is the process through which an educator determines the best teaching methods for specific learners in a specific context, attempting to obtain a specific goal. Instructional development models and processes could be devided into basic stages of design, development, evaluation, and revision, including following activities:

  • The Design Stage: Determine need; analyze audience; establish goals.
  • The Development Stage: Create content outline; review existing materials; organize and develop content; select/develop materials and delivery methods. Integrate print, voice, video, and data technology in concert with face-to-face communication.
  • The Evaluation Stage: Review goals and objectives; develop evaluation strategy; collect and analyze data .
  • The Revision Stage: Develop and implement revision plan.
  Distance Education at a Glance

#3 Instructional Development for Distance Education
Instructional development provides a process and framework for systematically planning, developing, and adapting instruction based on identifiable learner needs and content requirements. This process is essential in distance education, where the instructor and students may share limited common background and typically have minimal face-to-face contact.
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