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Related resources

Sylabus Portals 2002. By David L. Eisler. (July 2002.)
These links are to support "Campus Portals: Future Hope, Past History, or More Hype," an article in the July edition of Syllabus magazine. See http://faculty.Weber.edu/deisler/syllabus2002.htm.

  Campus Portals: Future Hope, Past History, or More Hype?
By David L. Eisler. (July 2002.)
Campus portals have the potential to connect an institution’s constituents, both on campus and external, to appropriate campus resources through a highly personalized interface. But how close are colleges and universities to taking real advantage of portal technologies?
  Web Portals
By H.Strauss, Princeton University. (August 2002.)
Portals represent a basic change in the way information is presented to users on the web.
uPortal is an open-standard effort using Java, XML, JSP and J2EE. It is a collaborative development project with the effort shared among several of the JA-SIG member institutions. You may download uPortal and use it on your site at no cost.
  Comparison of uPortal and Oracle Presentation
Comparisons were made using uPortal 2.0 and Oracle Portal 3.09
(Powerpoint, 1.8mb). (March 2002.)
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