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E-Learning Strategies

E-Learning Strategies
For example, research report Bonk, C. J. (2002). Online Teaching in an Online World. includes Executive Summary with Recommendations Based on Findings (p.12) for college instructors, administrators, and institutions of higher education. These recommendations relate to instructor training, recognition and support, and sharing of expertise, as well as online learning policy, research, tool development partnerships, and pedagogy.

  Tips to Make E-Learning Stick
By Susan Boyd. (May 2002)
Do learners apply new skills and competencies in the day-to-day environment? The following tips will help ensure that your learners do, and that your company's investment in e-learning pays off.
  Distance Education at a Glance
Strategies for Teaching at a Distance are included in
#1 Distance Education: An Overview
#2 Strategies for Teaching at a Distance
#3 Instructional Development for Distance Education
#4 Evaluation for Distance Educators
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