E-Learning Portal of Czech Universities - pilot version 1.0
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Related resources

  12 Learning Interventions That Combat Technophobia
By Linda Puetz. (March 2000.) Studies show that a consistent 10 to 15 percent of people are eager adopters, 50 to 60 percent are hesitant prove-its, and 30 to 40 percent are resisters. That means 85 to 90 percent of an organization's employees may be uncomfortable with new technology and are technophobic, to some degree.
  Overcoming Human Obstacles to E-Learning
By Julia Geisman. (March 2001.) In a recent poll, Forrester Research identified these three most common obstacles to a successful e-learning strategy: lack of interactivity, 56 percent; cultural resistance, 41 percent and lack of bandwidth, 36 percent.
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