E-Learning Portal of Czech Universities - pilot version 1.0
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Zdroje na Webu

Viz http://www.resourceshare.com/
Skvělý zdroj mnoha informací, ohodnocených dle kvality. Je tříděn do těchto kategorií:
Computer Tutorials; Dictionaries; Discipline-Specific Teaching Resources; Encyclopedias; Free Online Articles & Reports; Metasearch Engines; Online Forums and Course Sharing; Online Journals and Books; Online Teaching and Distance Education Resources; Search Engines; Style Guides a Teaching Tips and Resources.

Learning Circuits Links
Odkazy podle časopisu Learning Circuits zahrnují kategorie:
Discussion Groups; Distance Learning/E-Learning; Education Sector; Information Technology (IT) Training; International Sites; Job Connections; Knowledge Management; Presentation Resources; Small Business/Virtual Work; Web-Based Training Resources; Web Development Tools.

  Weblearning Resources
This web site attempts to informally catalog (and occasionally compare, contrast and editorialize on) the tools, topics and issues of interest to those developing for web-based learning initiatives.
Page 1: Issues and Resources for Web Based Learning.
Page 2: Software Tools for Web Based Courses.
Page 3: Distance Education course catalogs and other off-campus learning opportunities.
By Robert H. Jackson.
  AT&T Learning Network
The AT&T Learning Network is an award-winning program committed to helping teachers, community members and families improve teaching and learning through the effective use of technology in the classroom, home and community.
 Editor | Webmaster