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/Educational Organization in E-Learning /
E-Learning Strategies Research E-Learning Centre

Educational Organization in E-Learning

E-Learning Strategies include instructor training, recognition and support, sharing of expertise, online learning policy, research, tool development partnerships, and pedagogy. By Curtis Bonk.

Research. Frequently asked questions cluster in five areas: (1) Is technology-assisted, distant teaching as effective as traditional face-to-face teaching? (2) What factors determine the most effective mix of technology in a given distant teaching situation? (3) What are the characteristics of effective distant students and teachers? (4) How important is teacher-student and student-student interaction in the distance education process and in what form(s) can this interaction most effectively take place? (5) What cost factors should be considered when planning or implementing distance education programs and how are those costs offset by benefits to the learner? By Barry Willis.

E-Learning Centre Teams range from just one, very dedicated person who does it all (do you know someone like that?) to project teams of over 40 professionals.By Brandon Hall.

CourseShare.com (Curtis J. Bonk, President) and Indiana University researchers have collected online survey data from both college faculty and corporate trainers regarding their online learning needs and supports, including e-learning strategies. The surveys are available at http://www.publicationshare.com/.

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