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Related resources

Multimedia development tools
Georgia Institute of Technology..
See part http://mime1.gtri.gatech.edu/MM_Tools/TDG.html
Text Design Guidelines.

  Interact! With Online Learning
By James Kirk. (January 2001.)
Quality learning materials should be attractive, visual, and engaging. Here are some tips for locating and creating interactive exercises for your own projects.
  The Role of Instructional Design in Multimedia Development
By Peggy Troupin. (February 2000.)
Dumping raw content into multimedia formats isn't going to improve training. An early role for the instructional design function in multimedia development can save many headaches, dollars, and delays.
  Write Right
Polishing Your E-Learning Prose. By Laura Francis. (April 2001.)
You've developed your first e-learning course. The content is brilliant and the design gorgeous. But what about the text? Here's how to make sure your writing is clear, concise, and correct. Your learners will thank you for it.
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