E-Learning Portal of Czech Universities - pilot version 1.0
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/The students and the teacher in an e-learning environment / The teacher / Related resources /

Related resources

  The Roles of E-Learning Facilitators
By Ed Hootstein. (October 2002.)
The emergence of e-learning comes at a time when education and training are undergoing important transformations. The teacher-centered model that has dominated instruction for centuries is slowly giving way to a learner-centered model with instructors in the roles of facilitators or "guides on the side." The effectiveness and success of e-learning programs are dependent on facilitators' roles in delivering and managing instruction.
  Getting Ready to Teach Online
By Jennifer Hofmann.(February 2001.)
Many new online instructors aren't convinced that the learning medium is effective. If the instructors aren't advocates, how can they expect the participants to learn? Research the technology and look for success stories.
  Synchronous Team Teaching: Put Your Heads Together
By J. Hofmann. (Listopad 2001.)
A producer or assistant trainer can help transform synchronous programs into trouble-free, fast moving, interactive events that keep learners involved and the trainer on track. The trainer can stay focused on content while the producer takes care of everything else.
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